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Another Test 5/9/22

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Test 5/9/22

Test post. Updated test post.

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The Legacy registry is growing and changing! International entries are now being added to the registry database. New tests for milk protein are available!
Registration fees are being added to defray costs. Questions? ShareTheLegacy@aol.com

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For several months Legacy has worked with UCD-VGL to offer Dexter owners the ability to set up their own individual accounts to manage their testing services and their samples and results. ADCA will now be using this system as well.
As ADCA had not “officially” used UCD-VGL as a testing lab, it was simple to design a new system. For Legacy, it is much more difficult as there are over 1500 DNA tests in the system as well and hundreds of genetic tests.

Legacy is working to give you the best options available and begs your patience while we adapt to changes and a new system.

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NEWS ! ADD your photos to the online registry

You can now add your photos to the online registry.

1. Login to the classified/farm pages.
2. If there is a list of your Dexters select the one you wish to
add photo . If no list. . go to main page/animal search
3. Click on your Dexter of choice and when animal info page appears click on the add/change animal link at top of page

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Welcome Ohio Valley Dexter Breeders Association

Dexter breeders in the central area of the US east of the Mississippi have organized the newest Dexter breed group. . . . Ohio Valley Dexter Breeders Association.

Web locations:

blog: ovdba.blogspot.com

web: sites.google.com/site/ohiovalleydexterbreeders/home

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Dexter Cattle FOREVER Database

Do Not Let YOUR Dexter be black-listed.

In 2004 the Dexter “FOREVER” database was established at the Veterinary Genetics Laboratory – University of California-Davis

When you genotype your Dexter with Legacy your sample is archived by the LEG case number and all the information submitted with your Dexter is archived in the UC-Davis computer system and stored into infinity. ( UC-Davis has been archiving cattle samples and information for cattle owners since the 1950’s.).

This is the only existing Dexter genotype database of it’s kind – and Legacy hopes it will be a treasure trove of information on the Dexters for future Dexter breeders decades from now. Just think of the genetic information that has been lost to this generation of Dexter breeders!

Our Dexters in most instances are very different from those Dexters imported at the beginning of the 1900’s. We can see the external changes taking place, much of it in only the past 25 years, but what we cannot see is the internal changes. Dexters survived because they were hardy stock genetic transformed by deprivation in their native habitat. Has that hardiness changed with pampering? We are fortunate in the US to have genetic stock very similar to the original imports as well as stock that has changed considerably. Through the efforts of Legacy genetic material across the broad Dexter spectrum is now being archived. Should disaster befall this wonderful breed – either through disease or world events – Legacy is confident science will have advanced so that the breed can be restored to it’s native state.

COME JOIN THE LEGACY EFFORT! ! Legacy works for the Dexter breed and it’s owners/breeders. Prices are negotiated to be the most affordable in the world for the benefit gained. With each gentoype – your Dexter is entered in the “Forever” database and registry, and given the PURPLE status in the online pedigree which breeders can hope will turn to green in their breeding programs as their confirmed pedigrees begin to glow in PURPLE.

You get SO MUCH MORE for your $25 genotype fee when you use Legacy testing. TRY LEGACY – YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED WITH THE SERVICE!

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Legacy continues to be an innovative force in the US Dexter cattle community.  The Legacy online pedigree system offers substantial information to experienced and novice alike.  

The “Got Purple” theme highlights the genotypes in each pedigree.  It is the goal of Legacy for each breeder to have a complete five line pedigree highlighted in purple which gives the value of a DNA genotyped and parentage confirmed pedigree.   Legacy was FIRST to urge Dexter owners to add integrity and validity to their pedigrees.  FIRST to implement and execute a plan to do so.   

Legacy is building a registry of distinction . ..  ONE GENOTYPE AT A TIME ! !

Create a herd of distinction –   genotype your Dexter with Legacy!

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Legacy Registration Numbers

Your Legacy Registration number is not merely assigned numerically in order.  It is designed to provide comprehensive data on the registered animal.  Below is the current system in place.   Note that one digit will change in the near future as the Legacy Registry is being organized into categories and the current “H or P” in the seventh slot will differ.  The Legacy registration number has the following attributes:

L                         Legacy Registry

00000                UCD-VGL case number for the DNA genotype

H or P                 Horn Status

00                        Year of Birth

H or P                  Horn status of Sire

H or P                  Horn status of Dam

Considerable thought and effort was given to all facets of the Legacy Gentoype Registry to offer the most comprehensive service and value to Dexter breeders for the least price available in the breed.  Legacy is looking out for YOU and your Dexter!

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