Pedigree for Lakeport DR Crimson Rein
Sire LPFM Lakeport TW Declan L02477HP-15HH Red Horned |
CJS Timber 018781 Red Horned |
CJS Rascally Bucky 016102 Black Horned |
Bnb FB Red Rascal 10827 Red Horned |
Briarwood Fireball 10330 Red Horned |
BnBs Wilo Red Scamp 10826 Red Horned |
Lazy EA Crystal 13434 Black Horned |
Hammer's Bitterroot 10044 Black Horned |
Lazy EA Tike 9640 Black Horned |
Thomas' RY Red Brezes 15411 Red Horned |
MLW Rory 10094 Red Horned |
Glencara Finerty 9020 Red Horned |
Sandhill Jane 5260 Black Horned |
Thomas' BLZ Red Breze 11584 Red Horned |
Briarwood Blaze O'Glory 10329 Red Horned |
Thomas' Wilos Red Spring 10316 Red Horned |
Willow Hill Whoopie 023501 Black Horned |
SGF Rusty 11945 Red Horned |
MLW Rory 10094 Red Horned |
Glencara Finerty 9020 Red Horned |
Sandhill Jane 5260 Black Horned |
SGF Helen 10354 Black Horned |
Llanfair's Aldebaran 9712 Red Horned |
Dinsmore Farm's Molly 8254 Dun Horned |
Shamrock Flo's Gracie 8945 Dun Horned |
Earlona Eric CM1152 Dun Horned |
Fairy Hill Ian CM390 Black Horned |
Earlona Whisper of Spring CF137 Black Horned |
Florence of Tak-Sca-Du-Hav 2580 Black Horned |
Merf of Tak-Sca-Du-Hav 2257 Black Horned |
Fortune of Tak-Sca-Du-Hav 1428 Black Horned |
Dam Emerald Pond Isle Rein L01467HP-10HH Dun Horned |
Wieringa's Travis LQ 018571 Black Horned |
SGF LCIN Loki 016195 Red Horned |
Llanfair's Cinnabar 13213 Red Polled |
Saltaire Platinum (2708) 6504 Black Polled |
Llanfair's Rosalee 7521 Red Polled |
SGF Dixie 11676 Black Horned |
MLW Rory 10094 Red Horned |
SGF Kathy 10038 Dun Horned |
Wieringa's Quinlyn LB 14547 Black Horned |
Wieringa's Lancelot 11684 Black Horned |
Shamrock Hooligan 9489 Black Horned |
Bar J Dancing the Jig 10501 Black Horned |
Shamrock Bertha 10765 Dun Horned |
Earlona Eric 7888 Dun Horned |
Shamrock Heidi 9490 Black Horned |
Milf Shad Acre Kacy 13830 Black Horned |
Fidge's Paddy 9693 Black Horned |
Dinsmore Farm's Rory 6289 Red or Dun Horned |
Stutzman's Dutch 4741 Black Horned |
Anni o'Briar Hill 5528 Black Horned |
Fidge's Lil'Nel 7582 Black Horned |
Thomas' Magic Pride 3848 Black Horned |
Star X Millie 5896 Black Horned |
Shamrock Molly 5435 Black Horned |
Callen of Old Orchard 3482 Black Horned |
Cranworth Rory 2600 Black Horned |
Hope of Old Orchard 2568 Black Horned |
Twainland Jasmine 3286 Black Horned |
Nighthawk Charlie 2190 Black Horned |
Twainland Jewel 2633 Black Horned |
Note: Animals whose names are highlighted in bold purple font have genotypes on file.