Pedigree for PAD Heather's Red 16-4
Sire 5 Ponds LPFK Red Ferrari 023921 Red Horned |
Lone Pine Farms Klondike 11420 Dun Polled |
Twi-lite Firefly 8209 Red or Dun Polled |
Hillside Firebush 6894 Black Horned |
Denali Rambler 4842 Red or Dun Horned |
Hillside Camellia 4860 Black Horned |
Hiyu Dana 7225 Black Polled |
Saltaire Platinum (2708) 6504 Black Polled |
Lena of Myers Farm 3331 Black Horned |
Cranworth Zsa Zsa 11290 Dun Horned |
Cranworth Xanadu 3750 Red or Dun Horned |
Trillium Chabotte 3168 Black Horned |
Woodmagic Plover 2nd 2400 Dun Horned |
Trillium Molly C124 Dun Horned |
Cranworth Tristam 3046 Dun Horned |
Woodmagic Waxwing 2407 Black Horned |
Honeybee Hills Heather 018615 Black Horned |
Whistle R Clark 016204 Black Horned |
Cushings Lil Junior 13228 Black Horned |
Sampson of Rhema 10032 Black Horned |
'RR' Jade 8287 Black Horned |
Graceful Clara 13007 Black Horned |
Nu-Dex Tillden 8094 Black Horned |
Rainbow Hills Mzz Liz 12326 Black Horned |
Twainland Beige 15800 Dun Horned |
Rainbow Hills Bo 7579 Black Horned |
Rhea of Sunshine 4588 Dun Horned |
Seven C's Arista 4440 Black Horned |
Twainland Ginger 3284 Black Horned |
Nighthawk Charlie 2190 Black Horned |
Twainland Raceme 2084 Black Horned |
Dam Sac Valley's Misty 033679 Black Polled |
Windy Hills Red Shannon 022354 Red Polled |
White-O-Morn Cadence 018548 Red Polled |
Glenn Land Mr. Redfire 11778 Red Polled |
Saltaire Platinum EM2708 Black Polled |
Glenn Land Cricket 8653 Black Horned |
White-O-Morn Treasure 15687 Red Horned |
RFF Fireweed 8056 Red Horned |
Rainbow Hills Red Beauty 7577 Red Horned |
Wendy's BLZ Red Afinaty 14077 Red Horned |
Briarwood Blaze O'Glory 10329 Red Horned |
Cornahir Outlaw EM2906 Red Horned |
Briarwood Russet Glory CF520 Red Horned |
Wendy's BLZ Red Tifany 10847 Red Horned |
Briarwood Blaze O'Glory 10329 Red Horned |
Wendy's Legacys Diamond 5916 Black Horned |
Brockland Laurel 12078 Black Horned |
Rafter Dee Washie Tom 9202 Black Horned |
Shome Ferdi's Abe 7370 Red or Dun Horned |
Bar H Ferdinand 5882 Red or Dun Horned |
Angel of Mt. Carmel 3614 Red or Dun Horned |
Yori's Baby Doll 3815 Black Horned |
Rafter Dee Priapus Ruffus 3296 Black Horned |
Rafter Dee Yori 2776 Black Horned |
Shome Carlee 43 8893 Black Horned |
Fairy Hill Peter 3731 Red or Dun Horned |
Cranworth Pilliwiggin 2642 Black Horned |
Cranworth Tatiana 3048 Red or Dun Horned |
Shome Camei 2833 Black Horned |
Trillium Gulliver 2588 Red or Dun Horned |
Shome Cairin 2341 Black Horned |
Note: Animals whose names are highlighted in bold purple font have genotypes on file.