Pedigree for Biggers' June Bug
Sire Blue Roan Ridge Hank 023941 Black Horned |
Eagles Rest Shadow 022141 Black Polled |
Windgate Black Shadow 016426 Black Polled |
Llanfair's Polgaron 6608 Black Polled |
Saltaire Platinum (2708) 6504 Black Polled |
Wee Gaelic Ms. Fermoy 5755 Red Horned |
Anni o'Briar Hill 5528 Black Horned |
Martin o'Briar Hill 3575 Black Horned |
Irene o'Briar Hill 3572 Black Horned |
Misty Ridge Maeve 1 13833 Dun Horned |
Big Red 10545 Red or Dun Horned |
Shome Jessy James Chestur 4100 Red or Dun Horned |
Story Book Bambi 4081 Red or Dun Horned |
Sherwood Forest Eve 9046 Black Horned |
Hidden Valley Isaac 5166 Black Horned |
Sherwood Forest Ruth 6639 Black Horned |
RHR Red Bonny 016381 Red Horned |
Thomas' Shmn Red Yogi 10776 Red Horned |
Thomas' Mrlns Red Shaman 6647 Red Horned |
Thomas' Wizards Merlyn 5804 Black Horned |
Thomas' Magic Majesty 3705 Black Horned |
Thomas' Mrlns Ms. Tee 7334 Black Horned |
Thomas' Wizards Merlyn 5804 Black Horned |
Thomas' Prides Wee Bonny 5396 Black Horned |
Thomas' FB Red Paddy 10777 Red Horned |
Briarwood Fireball 10330 Red Horned |
Briarwood Alexander CM908 Horned |
Briarwood Russet Glory CF520 Red Horned |
Brocks Wilos Red Priday 10320 Red Horned |
Thomas' Legs Red Willow 5915 Red Horned |
Brocks Pride Fully Redd 5538 Red or Dun Horned |
Dam Onteora Orchard Linda 021814 Black Horned |
Old Orchard Hrothgar 016954 Black Horned |
Hiyu A Dora Bull 12059 Black Horned |
Hiyu Rambler VI 10101 Black Horned |
Hiyu Rambler II 7115 Black Horned |
Bedford Moss Rose 5447 Black Horned |
Hiyu Rosegay III 7290 Black Horned |
Hiyu Giacomo 3633 Red or Dun Horned |
Bedford Black Rose 6388 Black Horned |
Old Orchard Guinevere 12119 Black Horned |
Donal of Old Orchard 3891 Black Horned |
Cranworth Rory 2600 Black Horned |
Laurel of Old Orchard 2636 Black Horned |
Gretta of Old Orchard 2428 Black Horned |
Malach's Corey O'Callen 1832 Black Horned |
Ginger Belle 1376 Black Horned |
Misty Ridge Bess 016432 Black Horned |
Big Red 10545 Red or Dun Horned |
Shome Jessy James Chestur 4100 Red or Dun Horned |
Shome Eric's Jessy's James 3483 Red or Dun Horned |
Shome Cayle 3333 Black Horned |
Story Book Bambi 4081 Red or Dun Horned |
Emerald Caleb 3310 Black Horned |
Emerald Daisy Dawn 3311 Black Horned |
Misty Ridge Babe 15799 Black Horned |
Big Red 10545 Red or Dun Horned |
Shome Jessy James Chestur 4100 Red or Dun Horned |
Story Book Bambi 4081 Red or Dun Horned |
Taylor 10308 Black Horned |
Twin Peaks Beauregard 9361 Black Horned |
Sherwood Forest Dinah 8582 Black Horned |
Note: Animals whose names are highlighted in bold purple font have genotypes on file.