Pedigree for Darci Valentine
Sire SGF SDAK Hollister 028027 Red Polled |
SGF LMUL Dakota 023215 Red Polled |
Llanfair's Mulligan 8932 Red Polled |
Cornahir Outlaw 6703 Red Horned |
Cornahir Arroyo EM2500 Black Horned |
Cornahir Godetia EF10935 Horned |
Llanfair's Rosalee 7521 Red Polled |
Saltaire Platinum (2708) 6504 Black Polled |
Wee Gaelic Ms. Fermoy 5755 Red Horned |
SGF SANT Deri 017317 Red Polled |
SGF LPFK Antares 13961 Red Polled |
Lone Pine Farms Klondike 11420 Dun Polled |
SGF Easter 11514 Black Horned |
SGF Diane 10781 Black Horned |
Llanfair's Aldebaran 9712 Red Horned |
SGF Briana 8470 Black Horned |
SGF LCIN Holly 021740 Red Polled |
Llanfair's Cinnabar 13213 Red Polled |
Saltaire Platinum (2708) 6504 Black Polled |
Migh Poldark EM2447 Black Polled |
Saltaire Pedrilla EF10243 Black Horned |
Llanfair's Rosalee 7521 Red Polled |
Saltaire Platinum (2708) 6504 Black Polled |
Wee Gaelic Ms. Fermoy 5755 Red Horned |
Magnetic Heather 11864 Red Horned |
Saltaire Platinum (2708) 6504 Black Polled |
Migh Poldark EM2447 Black Polled |
Saltaire Pedrilla EF10243 Black Horned |
Wee Gaelic Ms. Fermoy 5755 Red Horned |
Ebony of Myers Farm 3332 Black Horned |
Wee Gaelic Ms. Eire 4270 Black Horned |
Dam SGF SSEA Valentine 023789 Red Polled |
SGF STIT Sean 020396 Red Polled |
SGF LPFK Titan 13963 Red Polled |
Lone Pine Farms Klondike 11420 Dun Polled |
Twi-lite Firefly 8209 Red or Dun Polled |
Cranworth Zsa Zsa 11290 Dun Horned |
SGF Callie 11187 Black Horned |
Llanfair's Aldebaran 9712 Red Horned |
Stutzman's Colleen 6103 Dun Horned |
Tama Scarlet 13958 Red Polled |
Lone Pine Farms Klondike 11420 Dun Polled |
Twi-lite Firefly 8209 Red or Dun Polled |
Cranworth Zsa Zsa 11290 Dun Horned |
SGF Darci 11513 Black Horned |
MLW Rory 10094 Red Horned |
SGF Elisa 9507 Dun Horned |
SGF SANT Vanna 017328 Red Horned |
SGF LPFK Antares 13961 Red Polled |
Lone Pine Farms Klondike 11420 Dun Polled |
Twi-lite Firefly 8209 Red or Dun Polled |
Cranworth Zsa Zsa 11290 Dun Horned |
SGF Easter 11514 Black Horned |
MLW Rory 10094 Red Horned |
SGF Kelly 10093 Dun Horned |
Tama Venus 15442 Red Horned |
Llanfair's Ryan 11189 Red Horned |
Llanfair's Mulligan 8932 Red Polled |
Llanfair's Fiona 8931 Black Polled |
Brocks BLZ Dun Sune 13215 Dun Horned |
Briarwood Blaze O'Glory 10329 Red Horned |
Brocks Mrylns Prairie 7071 Black Horned |
Note: Animals whose names are highlighted in bold purple font have genotypes on file.