Pedigree for C2H2's Ginger Snap
Sire Red Fern Kieran 13523 Black Polled |
Sir Snowbird #19 8723 Red or Dun Horned |
Shome Xanadu's Andi 5784 Dun Horned |
Cranworth Xanadu 3750 Red or Dun Horned |
Trillium Chabotte 3168 Black Horned |
Woodmagic Plover 2nd 2400 Dun Horned |
Shome Audri 4208 Red or Dun Horned |
Shome Eausau's Jon 3828 Black Horned |
Angel of Mt. Carmel 3614 Red or Dun Horned |
Cranworth Veronica 3342 Red or Dun Horned |
Cranworth Pilliwiggin 2642 Black Horned |
Trillium Cluny CM48 Black Horned |
Woodmagic Parulas Warbler 2nd EF9203 Black Horned |
Woodmagic Zephyrs Dodo 2nd EF9207 Black Horned |
Woodmagic Squirrel 2nd EM2072 Black Horned |
Woodmagic Zephyr's Dodo EF8499 Black Horned |
Kathleen 8929 Black Polled |
Llanfair's Polgaron 6608 Black Polled |
Saltaire Platinum (2708) 6504 Black Polled |
Migh Poldark EM2447 Black Polled |
Saltaire Pedrilla EF10243 Black Horned |
Wee Gaelic Ms. Fermoy 5755 Red Horned |
Ebony of Myers Farm 3332 Black Horned |
Wee Gaelic Ms. Eire 4270 Black Horned |
May Belle 6049 Black Horned |
Rastiss 5239 Black Horned |
Llanfair's Yetts 3234 Black Horned |
Rocky Belle 2336 Black Horned |
Rocky Belle 2336 Black Horned |
Rocky Brae Daniel 2094 Black Horned |
Blackhawk Belle 1569 Black Horned |
Dam Jubilee Farms Coco 12802 Dun Horned |
Rainbow Hills Ryan 10216 Black Horned |
Rainbow Hills Super Sam 8494 Red or Dun Horned |
Beerex's Red Baron Brian 3682 Red or Dun Horned |
Don of Beerex 2891 Black Horned |
Ides of Beerex 2890 Red or Dun Horned |
Willow Creek Ginger 3551 Black Horned |
Twainland Abraham 2464 Black Horned |
Willow Creek Angie 2492 Black Horned |
'RR' Daisy 8288 Black Horned |
Seven C's Black Bart 5222 Black Horned |
Manitou P-Bar Toby 4021 Black Horned |
Willow Creek Fern 3308 Black Horned |
Phantom Clover 6989 Black Horned |
Chinook of Green Valley 4159 Black Horned |
Parkridge Ellie 4388 Black Horned |
Adsila of Cherokee Point 7748 Black Horned |
Yana of Cherokee Point 7404 Black Horned |
Ardee of Green Valley 3678 Black Horned |
Shome Victor 1634 Black Horned |
Rocky Brae Bonnie 2092 Black Horned |
Belinda Sunlines 2458 Black Horned |
Ivan Von Der Vogelweide 2081 Black Horned |
Talisman Belinda 2186 Black Horned |
Tugaloo of Cherokee Point 7405 Black Horned |
Ardee of Green Valley 3678 Black Horned |
Shome Victor 1634 Black Horned |
Rocky Brae Bonnie 2092 Black Horned |
Belinda Sunlines 2458 Black Horned |
Ivan Von Der Vogelweide 2081 Black Horned |
Talisman Belinda 2186 Black Horned |
Note: Animals whose names are highlighted in bold purple font have genotypes on file.