Pedigree for IA McManus Irish Linn
Sire Sant'Angelo Belmont 032563 Black Horned |
Brightlea Benjamin 022743 Black Horned |
Hiyu Andrew 022742 Black Horned |
Hiyu Saturn's Warlord 13224 Black Horned |
Saturn of Knotting EM2291 Black Horned |
Hiyu Madrigal II 6307 Black Horned |
Hiyu Rosegay 5954 Black Horned |
Hiyu Giacomo 3633 Red or Dun Horned |
Bedford Moss Rose 5447 Black Horned |
Hiyu Rosegay 5954 Black Horned |
Hiyu Giacomo 3633 Red or Dun Horned |
Aldebaran Priapus 2544 Black Horned |
Cranworth Juno 2504 Red or Dun Horned |
Bedford Moss Rose 5447 Black Horned |
Bedford Hawkwing 5445 Black Horned |
Bedford Tuber Rose 5440 Black Horned |
Sant'Angelo Abbey 023402 Black Horned |
Breoch Sultan EM4825 Black Horned |
Apple Joe EM2552 Black Horned |
Mayberry Bill EM2257 Black Horned |
Apple Blossom EF11063 Black Horned |
Harron Sunbeam EF12894 Black Horned |
Butterbox Morris EM2523 Black Horned |
Harron Sable EF11301 Black Horned |
PCC Knor 11371 Black Horned |
Rainbow Hills Kings Way 7865 Red or Dun Horned |
Beerex's Red Baron Brian 3682 Red or Dun Horned |
Rainbow Hills Anton Icey 5872 Black Horned |
Rainbow Hills Christy 7463 Black Horned |
Rhea of Sunshine 4588 Dun Horned |
Shoo Fly Lady Jane 4577 Black Horned |
Dam New Day Jasmine 024298 Dun Polled |
SJDS Black Jack 018128 Black Polled |
Glenn Land Mr. Black Oak 9950 Black Polled |
Llanfair's Polgaron 6608 Black Polled |
Saltaire Platinum (2708) 6504 Black Polled |
Wee Gaelic Ms. Fermoy 5755 Red Horned |
Blue Sage's Ida Girl 5228 Black Horned |
Lamplighters Prince Roy 3635 Black Horned |
Thomas' Deuce Ida 3409 Black Horned |
SJDH May Hill 6822 Black Horned |
Boru o'Briar Hill 4737 Black Horned |
Brendan o'Briar Hill 3061 Black Horned |
Bridget o'Briar Hill 1728 Black Horned |
DLA May 5233 Black Horned |
Cannon o'Briar Hill 3431 Black Horned |
DLA Melanie 2381 Black Horned |
C R Lady Jade 12720 Dun Horned |
A.A. Sir James 9954 Red or Dun Horned |
Sir Snowbird #15 8147 Dun Horned |
Shome Xanadu's Andi 5784 Dun Horned |
Angie of Mt. Carmel 2986 Black Horned |
A.A. Janna 5546 Dun Horned |
Shome Jesy James' Peare 3870 Red or Dun Horned |
Shome Cande 3560 Black Horned |
Shome Adi 7601 Red or Dun Horned |
Bar H Ferdinand 5882 Red or Dun Horned |
Diplomat o'Briar Hill 3780 Dun Horned |
Singleton Tulip 3038 Red or Dun Horned |
Shome Ashli 5609 Red or Dun Horned |
Cranworth Xanadu 3750 Red or Dun Horned |
Angel of Mt. Carmel 3614 Red or Dun Horned |
Note: Animals whose names are highlighted in bold purple font have genotypes on file.