Pedigree for Stahlston Lady Seafra
Sire MM Traveler 034673 Black Polled |
Glenn Land Mr Mojave 027361 Dun Polled |
Glenn Land Mr Tomas 023985 Black Polled |
Woodmagic Hedgehog 3rd 14959 Black Horned |
Woodmagic Musk Ox EM2934 Black Horned |
Woodmagic Palm Chat EF15012 Dun Horned |
Glenn Land Ms Molly 12727 Black Polled |
Llanfair's Polgaron 6608 Black Polled |
Glenn Land Stormy 7337 Black Horned |
Glenn Land Ms Peggy 15290 Black Polled |
Glenn Land Mr. Redfire 11778 Red Polled |
Saltaire Platinum EM2708 Black Polled |
Glenn Land Cricket 8653 Black Horned |
Glenn Land Ms Platinum 11771 Black Polled |
Saltaire Platinum (2708) 6504 Black Polled |
Lane's End How Now 7637 Red or Dun Horned |
MM Nobeless 023086 Black Polled |
Hillview Just Rite 016410 Black Polled |
Circle H's Frederick 13691 Red Polled |
Circle H's Philbert 13548 Black Polled |
Circle H's June 14661 Black Horned |
Hillview Sally 9194 Black Horned |
Riverhill Saturn's Galaxy 5255 Black Horned |
Belle Fourche Sparklett 6338 Black Horned |
Curley's Cutie MM 14567 Black Horned |
Kent's Curley 11579 Black Horned |
Berney's Ferd 10229 Black Horned |
Weeds Wandering Gracie 9417 Black Horned |
GRR Hocus Pocus 11490 Black Horned |
GRR Taurus 8673 Red or Dun Horned |
Ida-J-Mar Dove 6372 Black Horned |
Dam J and S Acres Syrup 039328 Dun Polled |
J and S Acres Sean 035732 Black Horned |
J and S Acres Jamie P207004 Polled |
Todakar Acres Anna May P205638 Horned |
J and S Acres Stormy 035733 Black Polled |
J and S Acres Jamie 207004 Black Polled |
Buddy Pooh Acres 205835 Black Horned |
Chubby Muirstead 201703 Polled |
Katlyne Muirstead 202363 Horned |
Peaceful Place Francis 6145 Black Horned |
Raymond of Old Orchard 4011 Black Horned |
Peaceful Place Bonnie 5210 Black Horned |
Mississippi Pooh Acres 207199 Black Polled |
Samuel Muirstead 205575 Polled |
Stillwater's Lissie 205431 Horned |
Note: Animals whose names are highlighted in bold purple font have genotypes on file.