Pedigree for DND Honora
Sire High Pines Ferley 036593 Dun Polled |
Wieringa's Bart NG 027437 Dun Horned |
Wieringa's Ned EJ 13701 Dun Horned |
Fisher Creek Ed 11125 Red or Dun Horned |
Dinsmore Farm Rusty 8617 Red or Dun Horned |
Dinsmore Farm's Ginger 6287 Red or Dun Horned |
Bar J Dancing the Jig 10501 Black Horned |
Downing's Connor 6782 Black Horned |
Stutzman's Marlene 7061 Black Horned |
Wieringa's Gretel SP 020316 Dun Horned |
Wieringa's Sparty NH 017208 Black Horned |
Wieringa's Ned EJ 13701 Dun Horned |
Shamrock Heidi 9490 Black Horned |
Wieringa's Paula MD 14965 Dun Horned |
Fisher Creek Ed 11125 Red or Dun Horned |
Fisher Creek Drewsila 11639 Dun Horned |
LHR Fancey 029051 Dun Polled |
CJ's Archie 024329 Red Polled |
Cascade's Constellation 019022 Red Polled |
Belle Fourche Frasier 016495 Red Polled |
Hillview Heather 016498 Black Polled |
Glenn Land Ms. Unity 024973 Red Polled |
Glenn Land Mr Rip 202746 Black Polled |
Glenn Land Ms Peggy 15290 Black Polled |
High Pines Petra 023627 Black Horned |
Glenn Land Mr. Toney 020826 Black Polled |
Glenn Land Mr. Redfire 11778 Red Polled |
Zediker Garnet 11389 Black Horned |
Hannahs Iris Polly 016165 Dun Horned |
Hillside Lantana 11269 Dun Horned |
Hannahs Iris Lacey 15712 Dun Horned |
Dam DND Gillette 046008 Black Horned |
High Pines Ferley 036593 Dun Polled |
Wieringa's Bart NG 027437 Dun Horned |
Wieringa's Ned EJ 13701 Dun Horned |
Fisher Creek Ed 11125 Red or Dun Horned |
Bar J Dancing the Jig 10501 Black Horned |
Wieringa's Gretel SP 020316 Dun Horned |
Wieringa's Sparty NH 017208 Black Horned |
Wieringa's Paula MD 14965 Dun Horned |
LHR Fancey 029051 Dun Polled |
CJ's Archie 024329 Red Polled |
Cascade's Constellation 019022 Red Polled |
Glenn Land Ms. Unity 024973 Red Polled |
High Pines Petra 023627 Black Horned |
Glenn Land Mr. Toney 020826 Black Polled |
Hannahs Iris Polly 016165 Dun Horned |
Hope Hollow Hanna Bell 017346 Black Horned |
Shore Acres Zacchaeus 13043 Dun Horned |
Mississippi Allan J 8119 Dun Horned |
Haze Sir William Cody 5951 Red or Dun Horned |
Hilltop Fauna 5498 Red or Dun Horned |
Arlene 8899 Red or Dun Horned |
Twainland Scotty 6413 Black Horned |
Bridget of Cherokee Point 6752 Black Horned |
Coal Country Cassidy 14246 Black Horned |
Birchwood Billy Boy 12267 Black Horned |
Jubilee Farms Buddy 9478 Black Horned |
Shome Mandi 9233 Black Horned |
Avidya 45 12415 Black Horned |
MLW Mason Dixon 9019 Black Horned |
Nerfarm Nancy 5718 Black Horned |
Note: Animals whose names are highlighted in bold purple font have genotypes on file.