Pedigree for LRF's Red
Sire FF Freedom's Rebel 039909 Black Polled |
FF Freedom's How Its Dun 034005 Dun Polled |
IA Jaxon 029214 Dun Polled |
IA Erin's Earnest Try 022709 Black Horned |
Asinus Acres San Ju S 14773 Black Horned |
Erin of Common Ground 5689 Black Horned |
New Day Jasmine 024298 Dun Polled |
SJDS Black Jack 018128 Black Polled ![]() |
C R Lady Jade 12720 Dun Horned |
FF Dun Playin' 027396 Dun Polled |
Timberview Freedom 024104 Red Polled |
Windy Hills Rapscalion 020915 Red Polled |
Timberview Sadi 018664 Black Horned |
WWW Xena 023670 Black Polled |
WWW Wright's Samson 019147 Dun Polled |
Boulder Fork O'Easter 12466 Black Horned |
FF Blessed Be 031320 Red Polled |
WHF Freedom's Raven 025667 Black Polled |
Magic Hills Farm Bridger 022879 Red Polled |
SGF LCIN Tighe 017339 Red Polled |
Little Farms MayFlower 13225 Black Polled |
SNJ Lady Autumn 022556 Dun Horned |
Whistle R Willis 018101 Dun Horned |
Whistle R Hershey 017314 Dun Horned |
Rhema's Halo 024226 Black Horned |
Thomas' RY Red Lad 15497 Red Horned |
MLW Rory 10094 Red Horned ![]() |
Thomas' FB Red Laydee 10331 Red Horned |
BVF Quin 021195 Black Polled |
C2 H2's Genuine Whizz 018725 Black Polled |
RCR Kathleen 016974 Black Horned |
Dam SKF Summer 044917 Red Polled |
SKF Clancey 038161 Red Polled |
Chaneys Cherokee Red 031273 Red Polled |
Belle Fourche Cheddar 024403 Red Polled ![]() |
Belle Fourche Rousseau 023798 Red Polled |
Serenity Oak Farm Cafe 023854 Red Horned |
Dexter Downs Faith 025787 Black Horned |
Belle Fourche Apple Jack 023382 Red Polled |
Falkirk's Lily Bell 11293 Black Horned |
WH's Oona 031677 Red Polled |
SGF SBAN Saber 018869 Red Polled |
SGF LCIN Bandit 016198 Red Polled |
Tama Scarlet 13958 Red Polled |
SKF Ealga 022454 Red or Dun Polled |
SGF SANT Tad 018584 Red Polled |
SGF SANT Eve 019065 Black Polled |
WH's Oona 031677 Red Polled |
SGF SBAN Saber 018869 Red Polled |
SGF LCIN Bandit 016198 Red Polled |
Llanfair's Cinnabar 13213 Red Polled |
Llanfair's Fiona 8931 Black Polled |
Tama Scarlet 13958 Red Polled |
Lone Pine Farms Klondike 11420 Dun Polled |
SGF Darci 11513 Black Horned |
SKF Ealga 022454 Red or Dun Polled |
SGF SANT Tad 018584 Red Polled |
SGF LPFK Antares 13961 Red Polled |
Tama Thunderstorm 13959 Black Polled |
SGF SANT Eve 019065 Black Polled |
SGF LPFK Antares 13961 Red Polled |
Llanfair's Raven 13212 Black Horned |
Note: Animals whose names are highlighted in bold purple font have genotypes on file.