What is a “genotype” registry?

All Dexters in the Legacy gentoype registry have been DNA genotyped and their offspring are DNA genotyped and parentage confirmed.   The Legacy Genotype Registry offers the highest integrity for pedigrees in the US Dexter community adding value to each individual herd currently esteemed by current and potential owners who respect the process of recording and tracking bloodlines/pedigrees and value accuracy and integrity of the recorded information.

Keeping an accurate record of the Dexter(s) you own and breed is not only important for current reasons but is an invaluable tool for the breed reaching into the future.

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Welcome to the new Legacy Blog!

Welcome Dexter owners and breeders!  You now have a site to ask your questions and share your experience.   Legacy will be posting answers to frequently asked questions – as well as adding “news” items for information and commentary.

If you have questions and are a bit shy of asking them in a public forum, send an email to:   SharetheLegacy@aol.com

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