Pedigree for Lost River 53
Sire CCR SNIC Maximus 035916 Red Polled |
SGF SSEA Nick 025357 Red Polled |
SGF STIT Sean 020396 Red Polled |
SGF LPFK Titan 13963 Red Polled |
Lone Pine Farms Klondike 11420 Dun Polled |
SGF Callie 11187 Black Horned |
Tama Scarlet 13958 Red Polled |
Lone Pine Farms Klondike 11420 Dun Polled |
SGF Darci 11513 Black Horned |
SGF SSAB Noel 021741 Red Polled |
SGF SBAN Saber 018869 Red Polled |
SGF LCIN Bandit 016198 Red Polled |
Tama Scarlet 13958 Red Polled |
SGF SANT Nikki 017335 Black Polled |
SGF LPFK Antares 13961 Red Polled |
SGF Trixie 11865 Black Horned |
SGF SDAK Johanna 028765 Red Polled |
SGF LMUL Dakota 023215 Red Polled |
Llanfair's Mulligan 8932 Red Polled |
Cornahir Outlaw 6703 Red Horned |
Llanfair's Rosalee 7521 Red Polled |
SGF SANT Deri 017317 Red Polled |
SGF LPFK Antares 13961 Red Polled |
SGF Diane 10781 Black Horned |
SGF TMER Josie 017337 Red Polled |
Tama Mercury 15440 Red Polled |
Llanfair's Cinnabar 13213 Red Polled |
Tama Cayenne 14268 Red Horned |
Tama Scarlet 13958 Red Polled |
Lone Pine Farms Klondike 11420 Dun Polled |
SGF Darci 11513 Black Horned |
Dam Lost River Lindsay 032829 Red Polled |
Daggett's Pride 026348 Red Polled |
Windy Hills Red Fritz 021854 Red Polled |
White-O-Morn Cadence 018548 Red Polled |
Glenn Land Mr. Redfire 11778 Red Polled |
White-O-Morn Treasure 15687 Red Horned |
Prairie Sunshine 017089 Red Horned |
Glenn Land Mr. McRed 12733 Red Polled |
Amber of LBI 13049 Red Horned |
MLW Cameo 017617 Red Horned |
B N Harley 13639 Red Horned |
Llanfair's Sean 11412 Red Horned |
MLW Clover Row 9158 Black Horned |
MLW Chamomile 14588 Red Horned |
Glencara Finerty 9020 Red Horned |
MLW Tea Leaf 9240 Black Horned |
Daggett's Reba 017616 Black Polled |
SGF LPFK Titan 13963 Red Polled |
Lone Pine Farms Klondike 11420 Dun Polled |
Twi-lite Firefly 8209 Red or Dun Polled |
Cranworth Zsa Zsa 11290 Dun Horned |
SGF Callie 11187 Black Horned |
Llanfair's Aldebaran 9712 Red Horned |
Stutzman's Colleen 6103 Dun Horned |
Shome Rose #45 11145 Dun Horned |
SGF Matt 9848 Dun Horned |
Trevor o'Briar Hill 7057 Dun Horned |
Stutzman's Colleen 6103 Dun Horned |
Shome Roda 48 8894 Red or Dun Horned |
Fairy Hill Peter 3731 Red or Dun Horned |
Ruth O'Mini-Speas 3494 Red or Dun Horned |
Note: Animals whose names are highlighted in bold purple font have genotypes on file.